Life can Seem Ungrateful
by Anne El Abdullah
Life can seem ungrateful,
Christian Spiritualist Church
Independent Church
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Two Short Christmas Stories
There was once a very small spider by an opening to the cave where the Christ Child and his mother hid from the men from Herod who would have put them both to death.
The small spider wondered what it could do, it was so small. It decided to spin a web over the cave entrance in the early morning hours. When the men, searching for the Christ Child came across the cave, the web could be seen clearly, highlighted with silver form, gleaming in the sunlight. The men saw the web and realised that if anyone had gone in there, the web would have been unbroken. They went away and left the holy family in peace.
That is why we put tinsel on our Christmas trees, to remind us of that small spider, long long ago.
Mince Pies
Mince pies should be elongated because they represent the baby Jesus in the manger.
Love is the Key
by David H Quickenden
Love is the light that never fades away,
As warm as the sun on a mid summer's day.
It enlightens the Spirit whenever we are low
Giving us strength with its comforting glow.
Love is the friend when we are felling lost,
A healing hand whatever the cost.
A shoulder to lean on when we are in pain,
A kindly smile to bring hope again.
Love is an ever open door
Which welcomes us in when we're bruised and sore.
It draws us together whatever our creed,
Love is the answer, the reason, the seed.
A seed which can be spread till it fills the earth,
A part of us all, since the time of our birth.
The heaven that replaces evil and hate,
Love is the key which can open the gate.
What Shall I Give?
"What shall I give?" you ask each year as Christmas days draw nigh. "What can I do for those I love, what present can I buy?" "What shall I give to express my feelings and to convey, for the festival of love we keep on Christmas Day?"
"What shall I give?" said God, " unto my children there below - struggling in the dark. What gift can I bestow?" "I will go myself," he said, "as one of them to be. I will visit my creation. Thy My face shall see."
"This will do to prove my love and teach them below how to live. More, I cannot do for them and more I cannot give. I, myself will be the gift within the human frame. I will give them Christmas to remind them that I came."