Life can Seem Ungrateful

by Anne El Abdullah

Life can seem ungrateful,


Christian Spiritualist Church

Independent Church


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Welcome to the Poems page

Remember Me

Don't remember me with sadness,

Don't remember me with tears.

Remember all the good times,

Shared throughout the years.

Now I am contented, that my life was worthwhile.

Because I know by loving you, that I made you smile.

When you're walking down the street,

And you've got me on your mind,

I'm walking in your footsteps, only half a step behind.

So please don't be unhappy, just because I'm out of sight.

Remember that I'm with you

Every morning, noon and night.

I Wondered

by Jane Upchurch

I wondered what God might be saying, and it was Love.

I wondered what Jesus meant, and it was Love.

I wondered how to change my negative self-image and it was Love.

I wondered how to respond to the friend who let me down and it was Love.

I wondered how to overcome fears, and it was Love.

I wondered how to cope with disasters and dictators, and it was Love.

I wondered how to live my life, the bare times, the fun times, the chaos and confusion, the pressure and success, the people and the planet...

And it was Love.

Lost Children of This World

by Justine

A child is born and life begins anew,

The magic in their life is strong and true.

But as they grow, something begins to change

The world they live in seems to rearrange.

We watch them grow, we watch them learn and play

Celebrate with them their achievements day by day.

Then, the media corrupts all that they see

So peer pressure and much hatred soon becomes reality.

School life is tough, nobody understands,

And there are grown-ups with ever challenging demands.

The world wants them to be all about them self

While their identity lies all but forgotten, high up on a shelf.

This world has taken from them, all that they can be

And their potentials of true creativity.

Hating all those who don't act or think the same.

It has caused so many to conform

and they are now filled with hurt and shame.

My heart cries out for those who cannot find their way

May they return home to the light some day.

Please may they be healed and they be restored

Because the world needs them

and their greatest gift once more.

May we pray that their angels are with them,

May they live naturally and freely once again,

In the ways of love and light, please let them learn.

Oh spirit, for the good of all living things.

Let their full powers return.

Show them the way. Let them come, let them come.

I Turn to Jesus

by Pixie Angel Rose

Sometimes I get discouraged

And a tear comes to my eyes.

Sometimes Life doesn't seem fair

And I can't understand why.

Sometimes I want to give up

When things aren't going right.

Sometimes it seems like a waste of time

Not really worth the fight.

Those times are when I turn to Jesus,

He listens to my prayers.

And suddenly the way is easier

The problems not so hard to bear.

He is comfort when the way is rough,

Through his words I find relief.

I'm reminded that he's ever near

In his name, I have belief.

He doesn't promise earthly treasures

If we follow in his way;

But he does promise to fulfil our needs

Each and every day.

So let me walk a little closer, Lord

I know you love me so;

When problems are overwhelming,

You'll have my back, I know.