Wednesday : Mediumship Demonstration Evenings
7:30 pm - Admission £5.00 cash per person at the door
Please book in advance to avoid disappointment : call Janet Bone on 07551 596085
Next event :
5th February : Mary Ward (flower readings)
19th February : Debbie King
(1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month)
Friday Evening Service -
7:30pm - donation
Booking for the services is no longer required. Just come along and join us. All are welcome
24th January : John Rooney
31st January : Matt Gibson
7th February : Russell Browning
14th February : Paul Smith
21st February : Teresa O'Leary
28th February : Pat Plummer
Sunday Service -
3:30-5 pm - donation
Booking for the services is no longer required. Just come along and join us. All are welcome
26th January : Kim Collier
2nd February : Maria Rodrigues and Phil
9th February : Russell Browning
16th February : Stephen Graves
23rd February : Lisa Hatch

To continue to be diligent and to keep everyone safe, we are asking people again to sanitise their hands on entering the church.
Wednesday and Thursday events need to be booked with Janet so we know the numbers of people who wish to attend.
The use of masks is now optional at the Hall - Please book in advance to secure a place. Booking details for each event below (no booking necessary for the Friday and Sunday Services, please book for all other events). Mediums subject to change.
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
10am - 12 pm
£10 cash for 25 minute reading
by appointment only :
Book with Janet on 07551 596085
23rd January : Pat Plummer
13th February : Jackie Murphy
27th February : Eileen Keen
Spiritual Healing
● Every Thursday afternoon from 1:30 - 3 pm by appointment only
Healing resumes on 9th January
Minimum donation of £2 for healing, to help cover Hall costs
Please book with Janet on 07551 596085
We are asking people to use hand sanitiser again but masks are still optional.
ZOOM Meetings
In aid of the Star of the East
More information :
Contact Debbie King on
07894 530672
for an invitation and the link
Mondays : 11 am - 12.30pm
Animal Drawing
Monday : 7pm - 9pm
Healing with Debbie or Pat
Monday : 7pm - 9pm
Alternate weeks. Closed circle with Debbie
Wednesday : 7.30pm - 9pm
Understanding the spiritual connection
Friday : 11:30am - 1pm
Open Circle
Friday : 7pm - 8.30pm
Alternate weeks :
Drawing spirit loved ones
Saturday : 7:30pm - 9pm
Mediumship Demonstration then Open Circle
Consumer Protection Regulations:
Please note that these regulations state that we are obliged to inform you that all advertised events are 'for entertainment only' and 'not scientifically proven'.
Those attending do so as a personal choice and are responsible for any decisions they may make as a result of attending a demonstration or having a reading.
Diary for February
Open Circle with Debbie King
Meditation Group
● with Pat Plummer - Alternate Tuesday evenings 7-9pm. Contact Pat on 07814 459949
Christian Spiritualist Church
Independent Church

● Alternate Tuesday afternoons 12-2pm.
● Alternate Tuesday evenings 7 pm.
Contact Debbie on 07894 530672